Stakeholder Voices

In Darlington, we strive to engage with our stakeholders whenever possible. It is the views of our partners in health, commissioned providers, the third sector and also neighbouring local authorities which will assist us to develop our future plans.

We also seek feedback from people directly in receipt of current services and these views are an integral part of all service reviews. In this way we can be assured that the support which we commission is being delivered effectively and is achieving the required outcomes.

We work closely with our commissioned Healthwatch provider and use the information gathered from service users as part of their “Enter and View” visits and themed enquiries to help deliver future service improvements.

We are continually gathering intelligence to support our commissioning plans and therefore it should be noted that this is very much “a work in progress”, which will be reviewed annually and enhanced as we further our understanding of the data available and market intelligence that we gather.

Coming Soon

Gateshead’s Digital MPS is one way in which the Council  engages with the market in Gateshead explaining how we intend to commission and encourage the development of quality services that create a much more sustainable model of delivery. Co-operation through sharing expertise and information supports a forward thinking, innovative social care market aimed at achieving better outcomes for our residents.

In Gateshead we COMMISSION to improve outcomes for individuals and communities. We work with our partners to SHAPE the area to be a prosperous place to live, work, invest and play.

Integrated Adults and Social Care Services (IASCS) Department Plan and Delivery Plan

Sets out our ambitions to 2028 and provides a baseline to monitor progress and improvement. Developed using learning internally, from a regional sector led improvement review and views of VCSE sector via our People at the Heart of Care forum.

It focuses on 8 key themes and links to other Council strategic plans including Thrive and the Health and Wellbeing Board strategy.

We will be reviewing and reporting on our progress annually.

View the Integrated Adults and Social Care Services (IASCS) Department Plan and Delivery Plan

Last updated 2nd October 2023

Hartlepool Borough Council is committed to commissioning services that meet the needs of the local population. In order to ensure that we understand how to meet these needs, we work closely with all of our stakeholders, including:-

Social care workers who ensure that the views of people who use services inform how needs are met. This information is shared across the department to ensure that the right services are commissioned.

Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) which gathers the individual views of people receiving services who have been safeguarded.

As part of our quality audit of social work practice, senior managers undertake case file audits with social workers including observing social work practice and speaking to people who use services to ensure that services meet their needs.

We work closely with our partners to collaboratively develop services to meet these needs, as well as develop innovative solutions, address gaps in provision, that encourage people to direct their own care and support.

We work closely with:

Local care providers, including regular Care Home Manager forums.

Charities and the voluntary sector.

Health colleagues, including NHS Foundation Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Group,Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and GPs.

We have a Quality Standards Framework (QSF) in place to work with our providers to monitor and support providers to meet care standards.

Complaints and compliments are collated, including an annual report that looks at themes, lesson learned and gaps in service provision.

Regular surveys are undertaken involving peple who use services and carer, that indicate very good and consistent performance.

‘Working together for change’ brings together providers, professionals, service users, voluntary and community sector, family carers to look at specific areas and what works, what doesn’t work and helps inform service design and future commissioning.

We run a series of family leaderships courses which brings people together across specific areas, such as dementia, to empower them to have a voice in service design and delivery, some of whom have gone on to sit on commissioning panels.

Other groups such as the Learning Disability Partnership Board, Mental Health Forum, Voice for You, are all consulted about service delivery and proposed changes.

We work closely with Healthwatch who play an important role in the work of Adult Services, and feedback from their investigations and visits influences service development and future planning.

It is essential to quantify and meet the needs of the local population, this can be partly achieved by understanding the market in terms of quality, capacity and location – however, it is equally important to know how people feel about the support they receive.

This section takes data from national surveys of service users and carers. It paints a picture of what is working well and areas where improvements could be made.

Consultation is not only important when developing new services, it is essential to obtain feedback from people directly in receipt of current services. Direct experiences by these individuals can help commissioners identify if services are being delivered correctly and meeting individual need. Large amounts of information can be gathered through general contracting processes and monitoring but the service user experience is an essential tool in service development.

South Tyneside is committed to developing services in co-production with residents who use our services, as well as their family and carers. There is an aspiration for residents to be equal partners, with equal power and influence over decisions pertaining to their services. To this end, South Tyneside has committed to involving residents in meaningful co-production; from the development of strategies to the remodelling of services. Rather than consultation or engagement exercises, which can be limited and tokenistic, there has been a commitment to engaging in genuine co-production with residents. Approaches can vary depending on the intended audience and outcomes of each project, but examples of previous co-production approaches include:

  • Employment of experts by experience within the Joint Commissioning Unit
  • Reimbursing residents for their time to move towards equality with professionals
  • Developing a pool of paid EBE leaders as experts within their communities
  • Reaching out to a diverse range of residents through community networks and faith groups to secure a richness of perspective
  • Fostering a culture of co-production which has been recognised nationally

Further information on our approach to co-production can be found here.

In addition to this, our wider stakeholders are also integral to the development and commissioning of our services. South Tyneside strives to involve all partners wherever appropriate, this includes:

  • Operational and health colleagues
  • Commissioned providers
  • Providers in the broader market including the third sector
  • Neighbouring local authorities
  • Healthwatch
  • Other community organisations

The intention is to adopt approaches which are open and transparent, involving partners in the development of plans from the outset.

Included below is some data from national surveys which give a flavour of what is working well and what could be improved. It is recognised that this information is only a snapshot and its limitations and parameters should be acknowledged.