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More information on Commissioning and Procurement (including contact details) for Darlington Borough Council can be found on our website:

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Corporate Commissioning and Procurement Strategy

Procurement – Gateshead Council

The Corporate Commissioning and Procurement Strategy (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window) sets out Gateshead’s approach to using our resources within the borough in the most effective way to deliver the best outcomes to the people of Gateshead.

How to do business with the council

Gateshead Council encourages competition and welcomes bids from new and established suppliers.

Contracts are awarded for their value for money and whilst the council cannot discriminate in favour of locality, we are committed to supporting and encouraging local firms to compete for contracts.

Guide for suppliers and contractors

We have produced a guide to assist suppliers and contractors who wish to supply the council with goods, materials, services or works. It helps in the following ways:

  • it outlines the rules that the council must follow;
  • it alerts companies to the opportunities to supply the council
  • it explains how to bid for council work
  • it advises the appropriate contacts within the council for categories of spend

It also supplements the council’s standard procedures and ensures we obtain value for money.

Benefits of working with the council

We are:

  • Fair
  • Non-discriminatory
  • Professional
  • A long-established organisation
  • Prompt to pay

If any company is interested in pursuing business opportunities with the Council, they should respond as requested to an advertisement or contact the officer responsible for that area of business.

Potential procurement opportunities

Here you can find details of potential procurement opportunities which may be advertised by Gateshead Council over the next 6 months or beyond (subject to any prior approvals necessary). These opportunities are subject to change.

The contracts listed are at various stages of the procurement cycle. Some have already been issued to suppliers, others are at the early planning stage, there is also a possibility that due to unforeseen circumstances, some of the procurements may not progress.

If you are looking for tender and quotation opportunities that you can bid for now please visit the NEPO portal website. Suppliers wishing to do business with the council should ensure that they are registered on the NEPO Portal.

To register:

Step 1:  Visit the NEPO portal website

Step 2:  Click on “NEPO portal login” at the top right of the screen.

Step 3:  Click the “Register” button and follow the on-screen instructions to register your organisation.

Step 4: Once you have registered, your user name and password will be emailed to you. Please ensure that you keep your user name and password confidential.

In Gateshead we are committed to delivering a range of shaping activities to support the marketplace. We believe that co-operation through sharing expertise and information supports a forward thinking, innovative social care market where we might achieve better outcomes for our residents to encourage this and work with the market, we will:

  • Ask for your feedback on your experiences of working with us
  • Continue to develop and share market intelligence
  • Ensure our approach to market shaping is based on promoting integrated working and joint commissioning with agencies working together to deliver outcomes for local people
  • Develop a shared understanding of supply, demand and market direction
  • Provide a clear commitment to Provider Forums to share information on the direction of travel, new expectations and potential changes to local need
  • Work together with the market for change to develop:
    • outcome-based approach
    • cost effective
    • high quality services for residents of Gateshead
  • Embed public health as a core area of responsibility throughout all levels of the market
  • Support and provide workforce development and service improvement support
  • Look at new ways of working and openness to innovative commissioning approaches in order to encourage new services and new providers

Last updated 2nd May 2024

Procurement information and Hartlepool Borough Council’s Contracts register can be found on the web site at the following location:

For any queries on procurement, commissioning or contracts related to Adult Social Care, please email your question to the address below:

Further Information

More information on Commissioning and Procurement (including contact details) for Middlesbrough Council can be found on our website:

If you are interested in working with us please contact us at

Middlesbrough Matters

Middlesbrough Matters is an online service directory providing a place for residents and professionals to look for the support or services that they need.

Organisations and Services can advertise free of charge on this site. If interested, please follow this link to access the site: Home – Middlesbrough Care Matters Directory